Gardening Calendar

Browse our monthly calendar for advice on what to plant, prune, and feed each month. 

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Gardening calendar June 2025

Winter doesn’t have to be dull in the garden, there are lots of vibrant flower seedlings, ornamentals, fruiting and deciduous trees and native varieties to plant or pot out now in your WA garden. There’s also a long list of cool-season crops to keep your veggie patch thriving all winter long!



Flowers & Ornaments

  • Split the clumpers such as agapanthus, Japanese wind flower, strelitzia, acanthus and clivia. Clean up crook foliage then replant.
  • Some vibrant flower favourites for June planting include cineraria, viola, pansy and calendula.
  • If you are planting out roses this winter, now is the time to prepare the beds with Baileys Soil Improver Plus or Baileys Soil Matters Clay & Compost.
  • Time to lift and store dahlia tubers. You need to be careful to avoid damaging the dormant shoots at the neck of the tuber where it attaches to the old main stem.



  • Early winter is the perfect time to plant natives in our Mediterranean climate because the cool, mild conditions and regular rains give the perfect chance to get a good start before the long, hot, dry summer arrives. If growing in pots, use a quality mix, formulated for phosphorus sensitive plants, such as  Baileys Native Premium Potting Mix.


Vegetables & Herbs

  • Vegetables to plant now include all the Brassica family. Try your hand a planting Kohlrabi, this strange looking vegetable is extremely versatile and crammed with vitamins, minerals and other health-giving properties. Read more - How to Grow Kohlrabi in WA. 
  • Also get going with artichoke, shallots, garlic and why not try English spinach. Make sure you have a rich compost base by adding Baileys Veg & Herb Mix to existing patches. 
  • Remember the onion tribe like cool conditions so this makes winter their prime time. 
  • It is a good time to plant asparagus crowns as well as rhubarb sets.
  • Cut back the fern like fronds of asparagus to the ground so that new edible shoots will pop above the ground ready for harvest.



  • It's a great time to plant strawberries now the weather is cool and rains reliable. Depending on varieties, expect your first harvest in around 12 weeks. Read more - Time to Plant Strawberries in WA. 
  • Deciduous fruit trees and vines are now available at nurseries and weather conditions make this the ideal time to plant them in your garden.


Trees & Shrubs

  • Plant some winter fragrance - Lavender including the variety 'Winter Lace', Daphne Eternal Fragrance, Geraldton Wax, Wintersweet shrub (acokanthera) and Luculia.



  • With the weather getting a little hairy outside, stay out of the rain by adding to your indoor jungle instead. If repotting always use a quality growing media, such as Baileys Indoor Premium Potting Mix.



Flowers & Ornaments

  • Feed sasanqua camellias once flowering has finished as this coincides with their main growing season. Use Baileys Soil Matters Garden.


Vegetables & Herbs

  • Continue to feed cool season veggies in the patch to improve flavour and yields. Liquid fertilisers like Bailey Vitaplant are fast workers at this time of the year. These can be applied over the foliage for a sort of intravenous feed. 

Pruning, Maintenance & Harvest


Flowers & Ornaments

  • Lightly trim back summer and autumn flowering evergreen shrubs such as hibiscus, many grevilleas, oleander, gardenia, many ornamental grasses, geranium, canna, salvia, plumbago, cistus rock rose, Chinese lantern or abutilon and tibouchina.
  • If you were given an indoor poinsettia for Christmas then trim it back and plant it in the garden using Baileys Premium Potting Mix in a sunny spot and next winter it will resume its brilliant colour storm.
  • To keep indoor cyclamen happy and cool put them out when you go to bed onto a cold patio.


Trees & Shrubs

  • Trim hedges to keep them neat for most of winter as there is little growth likely to happen for the next couple of months.



  • Now that grape vines have dropped their foliage it's time to do the annual pruning. It's a good practise to apply a spray of lime sulphur after pruning to kill off fungi such as mildew.

Lawn Care

  • Between granular feeds, liquid fertilisers can be utilised to deepen and extend colour and take your lawn to the next level. Foliar feeding is also the most effective and environmentally friendly way to maintain your lawn over winter when the transfer of nutrients from soil to plant slows down. Use the TURFECT Range, read more - New TURFECT Liquid Lawn Fertilisers
  • Spray your lawn to combat winter grass.

Pest Control



  • Winter fruiting citrus and loquat can become a target for fruit fly in those states that suffer their depredation. Apply bait to foliage to attract and eliminate the female fruit fly before she lays her eggs; to keep the pests from developing. Read more - Fighting Fruit Fly. 
