Gardening Calendar

Browse our monthly calendar for advice on what to plant, prune, and feed each month. 

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Gardening calendar January 2025

Happy New Year from the team at Baileys!



Flowers & Ornaments

  • Plant unkillable, yet stunning Gazanias, for colour. Choose from potted cultivated varieties you find in the garden centre, these have been selected as non-weedy types.
  • Bearded iris can be lifted and divided this month.
  • Lift spring-flowering bulbs, dry and then store in a cool dry area in preparation for replanting in late autumn.
  • Annual flowers to sow or transplant at this time of the year include: alyssum, aster, globe amaranthus, dwarf marigolds, celosia, cleome, coreopsis, cosmos, verbena, rudbeckia, petunia, amaranthus, salvia, portulaca, zinnia, Swan River daisy, vinca and sunflowers. If growing in pots or tubs, choose Baileys Premium Potting mix. If you are planting in the garden then amend the soil with generous quantities of Baileys Clay & Compost (for sandy soils) or Soil Improver Plus.


Vegetables & Herbs

  • Vegetables to sow or transplant this month include: dwarf beans, climbing beans, brussel sprouts, asparagus pea, zucchini, cucumber, sweet corn, silver beet, swiss chard, rosella, lettuce, eggplant, okra, leeks and chives. It's an ideal time to plant root vegetables including swede, beetroot, turnip, carrot, radish, daikon (Japanese radish) and kohlrabi.
  • Plant salad vegetables, If growing in pots or tubs, choose Baileys Veg & Herb Premium Planting mix. If you are planting in the garden then amend the soil with generous quantities of Baileys Clay & Compost (for sandy soils) or Soil Improver Plus.



  • Plant tropical fruits in summer to get them off to a quick start.
  • Now's the time to try your hand at growing Mangoes. You need a sunny location and a sunny season to plant so growth kicks off immediately. Winter plantings often don't work in Perth because the plant is dormant. Generally, tropical plants need to hit the ground running. For more info read our blog - Mango Growing - Tips and Tricks


Pot Plants & Garden Beds 

  • Plant succulents in pots, hanging baskets and even garden beds; these tough customers laugh at the heat.  If growing in pots or tubs, choose Baileys Premium Potting mix. If you are planting in the garden then amend the soil with generous quantities of Baileys Clay & Compost (for sandy soils) or Soil Improver Plus.
  • Chunky, dark Moisture Mulch is a great choice for garden beds and all landscape areas. This also works well when placed around the top of pots and garden planter boxes. Applying Baileys Moisture Mulch does a lot more than make the garden look great, it also helps to cool soil as well as the garden, reduces evaporation, increases soil water retention, suppresses weed germination, allows rain infiltration and adds organic matter to existing garden areas. 
  • Re-pot Indoor plants into a larger pot every few years with fresh, quality potting mix like Baileys Premium Indoor Potting Mix. 



Flowers & Ornaments

  • Hanging baskets are particularly vulnerable to drying out through wind and heat. Move to more protected locations if possible and treat with Baileys Grosorb wetting agent.


Vegetables & Herbs

  • Push lettuce along with regular fertilising so they remain sweet and don't bolt into flower. Baileys Soil Matters Garden contains all essential macro and micro nutrients, and a biological coating which encourages strong root growth. Apply little and often, 25g a per square metre every 3 weeks and water in immediately.
  • Keep veggie beds well mulched with Moisture Mulch and water regularly.



  • Feed strawberry plants and strip dead foliage away to promote more fruiting. Sprinkle a small handful of an organic-based, complete fertiliser high in potassium around each plant as it comes into first flower, use Baileys Soil Matters Garden. From then on apply a liquid fertiliser designed for fruit and flowers every 3 weeks, such as Baileys Vitaplant
  • Feed up tropical ornamental and fruiting trees to fuel growth with Baileys Soil Matters Garden.
  • Deeply water citrus regularly to help the tree hold its fruit. All citrus trees are surface feeders and do not like root competition from trees or shrubs. They need to be fed little and often every three months. Use a quality all purpose granular fertiliser like Baileys Soil Matters Garden

Pruning, Maintenance & Harvest


Garden Beds 

  • Mulch covers up a multitude of sins and has a huge impact on the look of garden beds. Spruce tired soils up with a quality, pine bark based landscaping mulch such as Baileys Moisture Mulch and plants will pop against this dark background. Mulching pots is also a good idea.
  • Not only does mulch look great, it also plays a vital role in a water wise garden. Exposing topsoil to the sun causes significant moisture loss through evaporation. This crucial thin layer of soil must be protected, maintained and nourished. A water-wise layer of organic mulch achieves this, assists your garden through stressful summer months and reduces weeds. Aim to apply to a thickness of 50mm.
  • Avoid light and frequent watering, rather water deeply and infrequently, allow the soil to dry out between drinks.


Flowers & Ornaments

  • Prune fast growing Dahlias by half to encourage bushier growth and more flower stems. Position stakes now to hold up the stems as they rapidly shoot away.
  • Lightly trim rose bushes after a big flush of flowers.
  • Trim Camellias and Azaleas if needed.
  • Tip prune Poinsettias for bushier growth and more flowers.
  • Pinch prune Fuchsias for more autumn flowers. This means to use forefinger and thumb to pick the tip growth off the plant. Also feed them for autumn blooms. Use Baileys Soil Matters Garden fertiliser.
  • Trim the flowers off Kangaroo Paws and Dianella when they have finished blooming.
  • Bird baths and drinking trays are a way of bringing birds to your garden. Position these so that birds are not endangered by cats.

Lawn Care

  • Using a mechanical spreader makes your fertiliser applications more even. Avoid loading the spreader over the lawn in case you burn a patch with too much fertiliser, it's best to fill on a paved area. Be sure to blow or brush down any remaining fertiliser to avoid staining.
  • Watch for brown patches in lawn usually caused by un-wettable soil and treat with Baileys Grosorb wetting agent.
  • Mow lawns more regularly and higher to conserve moisture. Sharpen your lawnmower blades for cleaner cutting and reduced moisture loss. Avoid cutting in the heat of the day if possible.
  • Weeds can be an issue in summer lawns because of rapid growth. Take your problem weed into your local garden centre for identification and treatment advice.
  •  If it's a bit patchy or dull give it a boost now with a high nitrogen fertiliser such as Baileys 3.1.1. Plus at a rate of 25 grams per square meter, 3.1.1. Plus contains grosorb wetting agent, ideal for the warmer months. Mow at least every second week, keep it regularly watered and feed again in 4 weeks.  
  • Between granular feeds, liquid fertiliser sprayed on the turf leaf (known as foliar feeding) can be utilised to deepen and extend colour and take your lawn to the next level. Try Baileys new TURFECT Invigorate and enjoy noticeable results within 6 hours! Formulated to support turf health, hardiness and recovery during summer stress and after winter dormancy. TURFECT Invigorate provides a broad-spectrum readily available source of essential macro and micro nutrients and is particularly high in Potassium. Apply 5ml per square metre diluted in 50ml of water. For more information on foliar feeding and the new TURFECT Range read our Blog here.  

Pest Control


Indoor Plants 

  • Mist indoor plants to increase humidity which they love, it also deters insect pests such as mites.


Fruit & Vegetables  

  • Collect any fallen fruit from under the tree and solarise to kill off the fruit fly larva. Place in a plastic bag, seal and leave in the sun for a fortnight before disposing in a bin.
  • Sprinkle gypsum around the base of the plant to overcome blossom end rot of tomato and capsicum fruit.