Gardening Calendar

Browse our monthly calendar for advice on what to plant, prune, and feed each month. 

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Gardening calendar October 2025

October is a great month to plant just about anything as Spring starts to get into full swing. With so many plants in flower both in gardens and the bush this is a great month to flash the camera around. This is a good time of the year to plant new shrubs and trees and annual bedding plants for quick colour.



Flowers & Ornaments

  • Summer flowering annuals to plant now include petunia, marigold, livingstone daisy, salvia, portulaca and vincas.
  • It's a good time to buy potted roses, as you can see many in flower in the garden centre and this way you know what you're getting rather than relying on a coloured label.
  • Flowering annuals and roses do fantastically well in pots using Baileys Premium Potting Mix or garden beds improved with Baileys Soil Improver Plus. 


Vegetable & Herbs

  • Tomato time, get them growing. Also, all the summer dominant vegetables - squash pumpkins, cucumber, sweet corn, beans, eggplant, okra, runner beans, zucchini, capsicum, beetroot and carrots. 
  • Take cuttings of sweet potato from the leafy shoots that grow from the tuber. These strike easily in sand. These rooted cuttings will give you the best return on your time and rapidly get growing in the hot season.
  • Plant chillies either from seed or seedlings and you could be picking before Xmas. In fact, bright red chillies make showy Christmas tree decorations, but you may just have to warn the kids they're hot. 
  • Pot into Baileys Veg & Herb Planting Mix or improve your veggie patch with Baileys Soil Improver Plus. 


Trees & Shrubs

  • This is a good time of the year to plant palms, shrubs and trees and annual bedding plants for quick colour.
  • Start topiaries and hedges now that plants are in their growth phase, you will see rapid development.
  • Plant native, butterfly & insect attracting plants including bottlebrush, tea tree and grevillea. Pot in Baileys Native Premium Potting Mix or enrich existing soils using Baileys Soil Improver Plus. 




Pot Plants

  • Indoor and outdoor potted plants can be re-potted now. This gives plants a new lease of life. Potting mixes are pretty depleted after two years and the particle size of the mix gets smaller as the organics continue to break down naturally. Where possible, its good to re-pot plants into a larger container so there is fresh soil to nourish your plants. Where impractical, for large potted fruit trees for example, excavate some of the old mix and replace with fresh material. 
  • Use Baileys Indoor Premium Potting Mix or Baileys Premium Potting Mix depending on location - both are premium quality growing mixes featuring the red tickets - your guarantee they are made to the highest standard. Everything your plants need is in the bag.
  • Now is also a good time to re-pot orchids once flowing is finished. 



Flowers & Ornaments


Pot Plants

  • It's also a good idea to feed your indoor and potted patio plants as these are getting into their most rapid phase of growth for the year. Feed with an organically enriched fertiliser such as Baileys Soil Matters Garden. 



  • Give your lawn a boost now its hitting peak growing season with a high nitrogen fertiliser such as Baileys Brilliance. 
  • Start a regular program which includes feeding, wetting agents, mowing and renovation. For further information read our Spring Lawn Care in WA Blog. 


Garden Beds

  • Now's a great time to give garden beds a refresh and all over feed with new compost and a broad spectrum fertiliser. A layer of Soil Improver Plus lightly turned into beds will boost microbial  activity, improve water and nutrient holding and add vital soil carbon. Then apply Baileys Blood and Bone and rock minerals, or and organic based all-in-one product like Baileys Soil Matters Garden.





  • It's time to refresh the herb garden as the warm or semi-tropical herbs will have died off or succumbed to fungal diseases. Plant basil, chives, lemongrass and mint.
  • In the veggie patch plant tomatoes, eggplant, cucumber, broccoli, beans, zucchini, chilli, cabbage, leek, radish, rhubarb, beetroot, lettuce and spinach. September is also your last chance to plant potatoes and peas. Use Baileys Veg & Herb Premium Planting in pots, planters and raised beds.
  • Graft apple, pear or nashi scions onto your existing trees to broaden the range of varieties on your home patch.
  • Chokos can be planted now. Remember that they need a climbing support. Half bury the full fruit.
  • For something different try your hand at growing Malabar spinach, this is a permanent plant in the tropics but in cooler climates a summer dominant annual. It needs a climbing support. Harvest leaves regularly while young and use exactly the same way you would English spinach.

Pruning, Maintenance & Harvest


Flowers & Ornaments

  • Bottlebrush is best clipped after flowering has finished. This keeps them fresh looking because it encourages rapid growth. Flowering next season is enhanced too.
  • If you haven't clipped hibiscus this season then do so now. Take about a third of the growth off and always follow up with a feed of Baileys Soil Matters Garden to get new growth pumping along.
  • Also a good time to prune kangaroo paws. 


Garden Beds

  • Prune back shrubs that have finished flowering in early spring such as wiegelia. Cut old woody stems back to the ground and trim young stems back by about a third.
  • Apply wetting agents now to improve water penetration before the summer months hit, use Baileys Grosorb. 
  • Now is also the time to mulch before the weather warms up, use Baileys Moisture Mulch, to keep the soil protected and moist.



  • Time to thin crops of peaches and nectarines which traditionally overbear around Perth. Lemons are also setting fruit this month and they tend to produce a bunch of 10 to 20 fruitlets in a cluster. Thin these out to 1 or 2 fruits only. This can be done with your fingers.
  • Passionfruit vines can be lightly trimmed now just before flowering. Cut off the last 50 cm of the trailing shoots. Feed now with Baileys Soil Matters Garden to encourage new shoots in early summer which produce the flowers needed for fruit production.
  • Paw paw fruits that were set last summer and have been hanging on through winter should be ripening now. Watch for a blush of yellow colour in the skin.
  • Loquat, mulberry, lemon, orange valencia, late season mandarin and strawberry all fruit during October. 

Lawn Care

  • Spring is the best time to establish a new lawn from turf or seed. Make sure to prepare your soil well from the get go as its hard to amend afterward. If your soil is sandy dig in Baileys Soil Matters Clay & Compost. 
  • If couch or buffalo lawn has become spongy, it's the best time to dethatch. A vertimower will chop up the stem growth and toss it onto the lawn surface for raking off.
  • Compacted soil produces poor quality lawn and needs to be aerated. Various forms of aerating equipment can be hired to make the job easier. If you use a coring machine, then immediately rake Baileys Lawn Reviver into the grass. 
  • If your lawn is patchy after winter, it may need top dressing with a compost and loamy sand-based soil blend. Mow it short then dress with Baileys Lawn Reviver to get all the good stuff into the subsoil.
  • Give your lawn a flying start to spring by applying a granular fertiliser high in nitrogen now every 4-6 weeks, such as Baileys Brilliance.  
  • For optimal colour in between granular applications or when grass colour fades you can add liquid fertilisers to your program like Baileys Iron and Manganese. This promote a dark green colour and corrects any deficiencies in the grass leaf.
  • Now is a great time to check all sprinklers are working well and covering correctly before the summer heat.  

Pest Control


Vegetables & Herbs

  • A little bit of pest prevention goes a long way. Protect your vegetables plants with an application of tomato dust. 
  • Jet white fly and aphids of vegetables with water. I find if you keep this up daily for about a week the pests just move away.


Trees & Shrubs 

  • Watch your palms for big chunks being eaten out of the fronds and leaflets being stuck together. These are tell-tale signs of the orange palm dart caterpillar which is voracious.



  • If you have citrus trees, keep an eye out for an explosion of ant numbers running up and down the stems. This is a sign that scale may be invading your tree as the ants get a sweet sugary material from the scale which is food for them. In return, ants move the scale insects to new feeding pastures. Spray with low toxic Pest Oil to control.
