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Baileys have been developing products for WA Gardens for since 1926. This year at the Perth Garden Festival we will be introducing you to the team behind our products at our series of growing workshops. Visit our...
Author Baileys Fertiliser
Christmas is coming, and with it a festive season we’re sure many are counting down the days to. The fast approaching festivities mean barbeques, family gatherings and lots of outdoor entertaining to soke up our...
Spring in WA brings with it warm yet moist soils - perfect growing or establishment weather for your lawn. Time to fuel its growth as it gets back into the swing of things, or lay that new patch of lawn....
Cabbage, kale, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts are all members of the Brassica family, a huge group of delicious veggies.....
The humble spud - one of the easiest crops to grow, a verified kitchen legend and something kids love harvesting - discovering those soon to be potato gems, hidden in the soil....
Baileys new range of foliar fertilisers will correct deficiencies and deliver quick results. The nutrients in the TURFECT Range are immediately available to be absorbed through the leaf blade, making them quick-acting,...
Keeping your lawn looking lush and green through the hottest days of Summer can be a challenge. Here are some tips and products to help you through....
Elderflower trees, also known as Elderberry are a popular ornamental plant in Perth. They are typically found growing in gardens, parks, and roadsides. They are deciduous shrubs or small trees that grow to 20ft tall....
Couch grass is a type of grass that is commonly grown in Perth. It is a warm-season grass that is drought-tolerant and can withstand a variety of soil conditions. Couch has a fine texture and a deep green colour, which...
Cherry trees are a beautiful and delicious addition to any garden. In the spring, cherry trees bloom with beautiful white or pink flowers, after the flowers bloom, the trees produce fruit....
We met Sophie James- Ross one of the Directors and Volunteers of North Fremantle Social Farm at Perth Garden Festival this year. She invited us down to have a look at the farm recently, we meet the volunteers and had a...
Roses are super performing plants and can deliver a flower show across 7 to 9 months of the year. Some of the blooms make brilliant cut flowers, while others make a garden glow with colour....
Nitrogen leaching is a common problem in turf in Western Australia, especially during the winter months. This is because the cooler temperatures and wet weather conditions can lead to an increase in water movement...
Baileys is proud to announce the launch of its reformulated Sure GreeN fertiliser range. This revolutionary range harnesses the power of multiple slow-release technologies to deliver unparalleled turf nutrition while...
Nasturtiums are known for their bright, colourful flowers that come in a variety of shades, including yellow, orange, red and pink. They are easy to grow and can thrive in most conditions....
Lemon Myrtle is undoubtedly one of the most popular Australia native herbs, and likely the most versatile. It has an intense citrus fragrance and flavour, and has long been used in Aboriginal cuisine and medicine for...
As soil temperatures drop in winter, our warm-season lawns go into a state of dormancy, growing at a much slower rate to conserve energy. Although the growing season's action is over, here are a few tips and tricks for...
Gardening in winter doesn’t have to be dull, there’s a long list of cool-season crops to keep your veggie patch thriving all winter long!...
Kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) is a warm season turfgrass species. It is medium to dark green in colour and has a coarse texture. It forms dense, compact tufts and has a creeping growth habit. The leaves are...
Maidenhair Ferns are delicate and graceful ferns known for their distinctive fronds and airy appearance. They belong to the family Pteridaceae and are native to various regions around the world, including Australia....
Soil, a vital natural resource, plays a crucial role in supporting life on Earth. Its quality directly affects plant growth, agricultural productivity, and environmental sustainability. To ensure optimal land management...
The globe artichoke is a perennial thistle, a member of the Asteraceae family. Along with sunflowers, daisies, marigolds, sage and tarragon they are all linked due to their intricate flower heads. Artichokes are...
Autumn fertilising prepares your lawn for the winter months. It encourages prolonged growth, thick cover, extends colour and helps prevent weeds from taking hold as growth slows....
Peach trees can be grown successfully in Perth, the best time to plant your tree is between March and May. Not all peach varieties are suitable for Perth's climate. Look for varieties that are known to do well in hot...
Buffalo grass is known for being able to handle the harsh heat and drought conditions that Perth can experience. It is also able to tolerate the occasional winter frost....
At Baileys we meet a lot of passionate people. This week we caught up with Jake, a lawn addict, otherwise known as Couch Tickler on Instagram....
Fennel is a herbaceous plant (Foeniculum vulgare) that belongs to the carrot family. It is a highly aromatic and flavourful herb that is used extensively in cooking....
There has been a lot of talk recently about real v fake lawn. We of course are fans of real lawn, and there are so many drought tolerant varieties around now, that won't guzzle water. Here is a full list of the best...
Leeks belong to the Alliaceae family along with onions, garlic, and shallots. They have a mild, sweet onion-like flavour and a crunchy texture, and are often used in soups, stews, and other savory dishes. Leeks are a...
Bamboo is a type of grass that belongs to the subfamily Bambusoideae. It is known for its tall, woody stems, which are called culms. Bamboo is one of the fastest-growing plants in the world and some species can grow up...
Lemongrass is a tropical plant that is native to Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. It has a lemon-like flavour and aroma and is commonly used in cooking and herbal medicine. The stalk and leaves of the plant are used in a...
Desert Rose (Adenium besum) is a succulent plant species native to East Africa. It is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant due to its attractive appearance, featuring a swollen, bottle-like stem and large, showy...
Baileys are bringing their commercial expertise to the retail market, in the form of the TURFECT Range of biologically enhanced liquid and granular fertilisers. Designed to optimise soil health, root development,...
Baileys are excited to introduce the latest addition to their TURFECT® Range of biologically enhanced foliar turf products. New TURFECT® Boost is a highly concentrated humic acid soil conditioner and...
It’s that week before Christmas. The kids are home from school, neighbours and friends are stopping by with little gifts and there’s NO WAY you are heading into the shops! We’ve reached out to our...
Dragon fruit is a climbing cactus vine suited subtropical or warm temperate frost-free climates. The red spiked skin of this tropical fruit is merely decorative, but you can eat the sweet tasting flesh and seeds in...
In the lead up to Perth Garden Festival we have been chatting with Alannah from Instagram @coastaledenperth about her urban jungle....
We had a chat to Instagrams @phillip_gr_ about his passion for lawns and to share what goes on behind the scenes in the neighbourhood turf wars....
Many of us think we need vast amounts of space to grow apple trees but thanks to grafting and plant breeding there are now so many different types of dwarf fruit trees that are bred to thrive in pots and...
Spinach is a dark, leafy green superfood. Packed full of nutrients and antioxidants, a good source of folic acid, manganese and vitamins A and C, and can be thrown into just about any dish for a quick veg...
Baileys are a proud sponsors of Open Gardens WA. We were invited for a sneak peak of the garden then sat down for a coffee with Joy and Mary of Open Gardens WA, and Sandra owner and chief gardener of Pepper Cottage....
Got your new plant home and need some tips on potting? Learn the basics of indoor plant care on this video or follow our step by step guide below ......
'Do you take this plant as a lifelong commitment? Do you promise to love them tender, love them sweet and never let them go?' We take our commitment to plants seriously, you should too! With the right care plants can...
Radishes are members of the mustard family Brassicaceae, along with kale, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy and turnip to name a few. This huge group of delicious veggies are extremely versatile and crammed with vitamins,...
Water is our most precious resource and the number one priority that you need to get right for a healthy and luscious lawn. Most lawn issues relate to water availability (enough water) or water penetration into the...
Thoughtful planning makes all the difference to a garden in Perth when we hit our hottest months. February is time to sit up and take note of the plants that are unfazed by the heat and those that are struggling....
Eggplants are part of the nightshade family along with tomatoes, capsicum, potatoes and chillies. The delicate flavour and versatility of this strange looking fruit makes them a summer essential for every veggie patch....
Many Western Australians take annual holidays during January to coincide with the school holidays. This of course is one of the hottest months of the calendar. When you go away your garden has a tough time. What can you...
Author Neville Passmore
Stuck for gift ideas? Indoor plants, herb arrangements and potted succulent bowls make beautiful, homemade gifts. Start planting now so they look stunning by Christmas!...
If you only find room for one fruiting tree in your WA garden then look first at the citrus family. There is a heap of choice, all rich in antioxidants and vitamin C; and you can pick some of the most delicious fruit on...
Stunning perfume flowers and exotic large green leaves - no plant adds a touch of the tropics quite like frangipani. These show stoppers bloom from November to May and thrive in tropical and warm-temperate climates....
Sometimes referred to as the king of fruit, mango is a sub tropical tree that can now be found fruiting in all suburbs of Perth.The flavour here is as good as from more northerly areas such as Darwin and Carnarvon, the...
Growing salad lettuce makes sense as these are the mainstay of our summer eating. Lettuce is a great source of vitamin K, it also claims to help lower cholesterol, moderate sleep and is packed full of...
With origins in the northern parts of South America, chillies are well suited to summer conditions in Perth. The fruits seem to have found a place in just about every cuisine and there are thousands of varieties from...
When summer hits there’s nothing better than a super-juicy watermelon to cool down. Watermelon is a sweet, refreshing snack that contains 90% water by weight, so will keep you hydrated too! Short on space? Try...
Passionfruit is an attractive, vigorous climber. Not only will they deliver an abundance of beautiful, tropical tasting fruit but the vines will cover fences or pergolas and provide a stunning display of fragrant,...
Avocadoes are a very popular tree for the backyard, once established they will provide fruit every year. They are full of healthy mono-unsaturated fats, vitamins C and E, fibre and more potassium than a banana....
Spring is in the air, and that means warm season veggies can start going in the ground once any chance of frost in your area has passed. Here's our top 3 croppers which can be grown from seed or seedlings now....
Rhubarb is a deliciously tart, fruity tasting vegetable. It requires a little patience to grow as harvesting takes place from the second year however once established, you’ll be harvesting this tasty crop for up...
Beetroot or ‘Beets’ are a versatile root vegetable, extremely nutritious and easy to grow at home. They are packed full of vitamins and nutrients, including fibre, folate and vitamin C. Beetroot belongs to...
There’s nothing more satisfying than snapping fresh Asparagus spears out of the veggie patch for dinner as you need them. This nutrient packed veggie is low in calories and a great source of fiber, folate and...
The Ultimate Soil Conditioner - A long term investment in the success and productivity of all plantings. A carefully selected and blended soil conditioner, Terra Start ensures optimum growing conditions for all...
Native plants are not only for dry hot conditions, they also create some stunning and colourful displays throughout winter. Many natives are winter flowering and will attract birds and insects to the garden while...
World Environment Day is around the corner, celebrated every year since 1974 on 5 June to engage governments, businesses and citizens of the planet to address pressing environmental issues....
KOHLRABI is a strange-looking vegetable belonging to the Brassica family. This delicious veggie is extremely versatile and crammed with vitamins, minerals and other health-giving properties. It has a sweet peppery...
Early winter is a great time to plant strawberries now the weather is cool, rains reliable, and plants have a chance to established before spring arrives....
Q. My lemons form and ripen on the tree but when I cut them open they are dry and brown to black inside with virtually no juice?...
It's good to have bees in the garden from two perspectives, yours and theirs. They pollinate the fruits and vegetables that we grow at home and if there is an abundance of bees in your garden you will notice that...
Author Chris Ferriera
Make a note in your diary. April is allium month. Allium is the Latin name for garlic, but it also refers to the genus of plants that are onions, chives, leeks, shallots and of course garlic....
Growing Medicinal Plants, Herbs and Superfoods at Home. The famous quote by Greek physician Hippocrates, “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food” has never been more relevant in an age of...
Spring flowering bulbs make an impressive display in any garden and the ideal time to plant in Perth is from late March to early May when the weather and soil has started to cool....
No doubt you’re noticing figs are in full flight in your local supermarket at this time of year but has the price per kg or quality put you off purchasing? Luckily, growing fig trees in WA is easy, so whether...
Baileys Clay & Compost is a uique 3-in-1 soil conditioner to permanently improve sandy soil.Baileys have released a breakthrough soil conditioner, specifically formulated for Perth’s sandy soils – the...
For many of us over the past 12 months, our homes became the workplace, playground and sanctuary rolled into one. The amount of time we spent indoors made us value our great outdoors even more, and recognise the...
Mediterranean fruit fly is the single most devastating pest of fruit in WA. If you grow peaches, nectarines, mandarins, guava, feijoa or Aztec fruit without protection you are unlikely to eat one piece of clean fruit...
Tomatoes love the heat, so spring and summer are prime fruiting times. August and September are the earliest months to get planting. It’s a good practice to add a few more plants every month from October to...
Versatile and hardy Camellias are well suited to West Australian gardens. They are renowned for their beautiful glossy dark green leaves and profusion of amazing flowers in the cooler months when the garden can be a...
A common misconception we often hear is native plants are better suited to gardens and don’t do well in pots and containers. While this is true for some, there's an ever-increasing range of Australian beauties...
You don't have to spend big to start your indoor jungle or expand your collection. With some basic materials and know-how, you can grow plants for free!...
While we love all our leafy friends equally, styling experts suggest bigger is better when it comes to indoor plants. Large indoor trees and statement plants are a growing trend among plant parents. Here's our top...
Indoor plants are a huge social media and design trend these days, but their good looks are just one of the many benefits they bring to our homes....
A healthy does of plant power can create a haven for increased productivity and inspiration - their relaxing effects are scientifically proven after all. When choosing varieties to spruce up your work space,...
The 1st of March marks the start of Autumn. Summer may be officially over, however the potential for hot temperatures is still around....
Winter is a great time to start growing the pea family, they are happiest in temps in the low 20's. First tip if you have the climbing variety is to build them a trellis, as their growth can be vigorous and they will...
“Autumn is for planting” was a theme taken up by the nursery industry to guide gardeners towards more successful plantings compared to those in spring and summer. The idea behind this recommendation was that...
How to start and maintain your edible garden at home! Want to grow your own vegies and herbs at home but don't know where to start or what will grow? Follow our Edible Gardening Guide and you should be well on your way...
Why do we need living indoor greenery? Five years ago if I asked what motivated someone to grow indoor plants the most common answer would have been to freshen the air. This was based on NASA research for the space...
With Christmas getting closer, now is a good time to enhance the appearance of your garden by applying Baileys Moisture Mulch. This does a lot more than make the garden look great, it also helps to cool soil as well as...
Soils across the metropolitan area vary greatly and gardeners can easily run foul of soil problems with frustrating results. Simple tests can help unlock any mysteries here and get you on the way to greater success.Some...
Baileys have just released a breakthrough soil and plant food that smashes the mould of the way we used to fertilise our garden. It represents the new paradigm of working with nature to stimulate the highly productive...
Pruning citrus gets almost as many hits on social media as pruning roses. Unlike roses, citrus doesn’t need annual pruning to produce good quality fruit in quantity....
The main aim in pruning roses is to refresh the bush and encourage flowering. Many people are terrified of this process believing that being untrained they could kill the plant by being overzealous. I reckon the only...
Some secrets on how to keep your garden happy during the hot summer weather....
Part Two of our succulents story - Propagating easy peezy. Succulents are amongst the Earth's great survivors and one key is their ability to reproduce readily. This is great news for gardeners as it means we can...
Here is the comprehensive list of the top 10 succulents for dry gardens. These guys love free draining soil and can survive on the smallest amounts of water....
Now is the time to plant tropical fruit in Perth! We have an extensive list of favorites and some unknowns you can try if you are brave enough......
Find out the top trends for this summer.... from 'smart tech' to cloud trees....
Some like it hot! Find out what vegies you can plant now that will survive the summer heat....
How do you find out your soil pH and what is ideal for your garden?...
Find out the ways you can get rid of weeds in your garden, without harming the planet!...
How to get the best out of your garden in winter - Chris has some great ideas for you. Have a read and discover what you can be doing this month to prepare your garden....
Neville shares his secrets to growing the onion tribe. With so many to choose from you better get stuck in, now is the perfect time to plant these guys....
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