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Baileys Clay & Compost is the ideal soil preparation product for new lawns, gardens and vegetable beds based on sandy soil.
When preparing soil for a new garden bed or lawn, make sure the area is free of weeds, rocks and debris. To achieve the optimum soil clay content of 5%, distribute one bag evenly over 1m2. Work well into the top 100mm, then give it a good water and mix it again. Your soil is then ready!
When adding to an existing garden bed distribute one bag of Clay & Compost evenly over 2-4m2. Mix well into the surface, being careful of roots. Water in well and then repeat if necessary in the growing season. Don't forget to protect your new soil with a layer of Baileys Moisture Mulch.
This is no me-too soil conditioner, its unique formulation is unlike any other product in the category in Western Australia. It is very much in line with one of the missions in life - to change the way we grow food by building soil fertility.
Extensive ground testing was done in the beach suburb of Kwinana, a pretty tough plant growing location. Results were outstanding. I hope you will give this breakthrough Clay & Compost a try at your home.
Clay & Compost is available in 25L bags from Bunnings Warehouse. For larger jobs, it's available in 1000L Bulk Bags direct from Baileys.