Category: Garden & Plant Foods

SKU: F2009


SIZE:   20kg, 40kg bags, bulka bags and bulk

Enriched with potash and trace elements, is an organic plant food nurturing plants while enhancing soil structure and microbial activity. Its gentle, slow-release action caters to all plants, particularly benefiting vegetable seedlings. Whether used independently or alongside higher analysis fertilizers, it ensures comprehensive plant nutrition and soil improvement.

Improves Soil Health & Structure
The organic content promotes soil structure buildup, promotes microbial diversity, enhancing soil health and supporting plant growth. 

Boosts Fruit & Vegetables
Enriches fruit and vegetables with essential nutrients, promoting healthy growth and abundant yields.

Natural Slow Release
With its slow-acting formula, it's safe to use in various garden situations, providing lasting benefits without risk of over-fertilisation.

Versatile Applications
Suitable for sandy soil preparation, seedlings, vegetables, and lawn preparation, catering to diverse gardening needs.
