• 4.1.1 BLEND

Category: Blended & Compound Fertilisers

SKU: F4040

4.1.1 BLEND

SIZE:   20kg, Bulk, Bulka Bag

A premium-grade, phosphate-free turf fertiliserdesigned for exceptional colour and growth year-round.Ideal for sports ovals, passive reserves, parks, anddomestic lawns, it contains ammonium nitrate andsulphate of ammonia for sustained nitrogen release,enhancing plant health and vigour. High nitrogen,potassium, and calcium content promote strong cellmembranes, root development, and stress tolerance.

Dual nitrogen
Contains ammonium nitrate and sulphate of ammonia, providing both immediate nitrogen availability and slow-release benefits for
sustained growth.

High Potassium
Strengthens cell membranes, improving turf's tolerance to diseases,temperature extremes, andenhancing overall root development.

Calcium Boost
Enhances overall turf health and improves nutrient uptake, leading to betterplant functioning.

Phosphate Free
Safe for use around riversand waterways, particularl where eutrophication is a concern.
